Young Carers
At Forest Town Primary School, we aim to inspire every member of our school community to achieve their full potential. As part of this we aim to provide a community for young people that keeps them safe, supports their learning and enables them to meet their full potential.
A Young Carer is someone aged 18 or under who helps look after a relative who has a condition, such as, disability, illness, mental health condition or drug or alcohol problem. Most Young Carers look after one of their parents or care for a brother or sister.
We are committed to identifying the needs of Young Carers and supporting them to access a full education, working in partnership with their families.
The Designated Young Carer Lead in school is Mrs Craggs (Family Support Worker).
As a school we are starting to build strong links with Nottinghamshire Carers Association to be able to help young people, families and our school community to identify carers and support them.