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School Logo

Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed


As well as our daily assemblies for KS1 and KS2 children, we also have special assemblies on a Friday morning where we welcome parents in to join us.

We will invite you to Celebration Assemblies on a Friday morning if your child is receiving a values award for demonstrating one of our core values in and around school. If they have achieved something out of school and you would like this to be celebrated in school, let us know and we will arrange for this to happen.  You are welcome to come and join us to see these out of school achievements being recognised as well.


Each class has a special assembly at some point in the year. During the assembly they will share some of their learning with you and the children always get very excited about their families being there to watch.  As an extra treat for you, after the class assembly we will invite you back into the classroom with your child to join in with a fun activity together.


We ask that if you are bringing younger children to the assemblies, pushchairs are to be left outside or in reception as we have limited space in the hall and corridors, these need to be kept as clear as possible for Health and Safety reasons. 



