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Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed

Art and Design

'Every child is an artist'

Pablo Picasso

Art and Design is an important part of our curriculum as it provides a means of expression for all children. It is a practical subject which stimulates creativity and imagination through the use of a wide range of media. We develop pupil’s skills by looking at various artists, sculptors and designers that are often linked to other parts of the curriculum. Children are taught about Art and Design in different cultures and throughout history. We encourage children to become their own artists and challenge them to experiment, invent and create their own works of art.


By the time our children leave us at the end of KS2 we would like to ensure that all children become:

  • Adventurous and create imaginative pieces of work using a range of media
  • Independent and create their own unique style
  • Responsible for their work and talk about how they were influenced to create their final outcomes
  • Students who persevere and develop different techniques and skills
  • Able to work together to reflect on their own and others work using kindness and constructive feedback

Art and Design Curriculum Intent

Art and Design Progression Map

Glossary and Terms

Arts Week - Animal Magic


During arts week, every year group was given an artist to help inspire them. The children evaluated the work of their chosen artist, developed their sketching skills and then created their own final piece. We have some very talented artists in our school.



Art and Design in Foundation

Year 1 - Dinosaur Sculptures with Darrell Wakelam

During the autumn term, Year 1 learnt all about sculpture. They experimented with playdough and different tools to create 3D sculptures. They then had an exciting workshop with the sculptor Darrell Wakelam who showed the children some of his work. He demonstrated how to create a dinosaur sculpture using recycled materials and tissue paper to create texture and colour. To complete their final piece, the children learnt about the primary colours and how to mix them to help create a background for their 3D sculpture.




Year 1 -Collage 


During the summer term, Year 1 looked at the artists Giuseppe Arcimboldo and Carl Warner. The children printed with real fruit and vegetables before using them to create their own Giuseppe Arcimboldo inspired portraits. They then experimented with collage and created landscapes.


Year 2 - Famous Aviators

During the autumn term, Year 2 started their Art and Design topic by working on their drawing techniques. They created different lines and learnt how to select them for different purposes. After developing these skills, they then used them to create texture. Honey and Sand Badgers had the opportunity to look at a range of famous portraits from throughout history. They were able to express their opinions on them and explain what media had been used. After looking at famous portraits, the children learnt how to create a self-portrait using the correct proportions. Finally, Year 2 experimented with charcoal and then created a portrait of their chosen aviator. Everyone has been amazed with the fantastic portraits of Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright and Amelia Earhart that the children created.


Year 2 - L.S. Lowry

During the spring term, Year 2 enjoyed experimenting with different sketching pencils before using them to sketch a building in the local area. They learnt about the artist L.S. Lowry and how he only used 5 different colours to paint his landscapes. The children looked at how to create secondary colours, tints and shades before sketching in the style of L.S. Lowry. Finally, they created a picture of their local area that was inspired by L.S. Lowry.



Year 2 - How does art look around the world?


During the summer term, Year 2 looked at a range of African prints and discussed the use of colour, pattern and shape. The children then evaluated the different prints. Year 2 experimented with printmaking. They used a range of natural and manmade objects, fruit and vegetables and different printing blocks. Finally they designed and made two different printing blocks. They used these with paints and inks to create their own African inspired prints. After they had completed their prints, they looked at how to use tone effectively in their sketches of Arctic animals. They then looked at a range of Inuit sculptures of animals and then used clay to create their own.  


Year 3 - Who has been inspired by the natural world?


Year 3 children started their project with observational drawing. Roe Deer and Fallow Deer spent time improving their sketching skills using photographs of landscapes and by going outside to draw their local area using a view finder to support them. All children had the opportunity to develop their colour mixing skills and they experimented with different types of paint. After learning about the artists Van Gough, Monet and David Hockney, the children then created their own landscapes.

Year 4 - What makes art great? 


At the beginning of their topic, Year 4 learnt how art often tells a story. The children worked on drawing figures in different positions before looking at the artist Norman Cornish. After developing their colour mixing skills to create a palette like the artist Norman Cornish, Year 4 created a landscape of their local area that told the story of miners in Forest Town going to work.  

Year 5 - Can I make art without a paintbrush? 


Year 5, started their project by visiting Yorkshire Sculpture Park. When back at school, they compared work by the artists Henry Moore and Henry Edgar. The children then developed their sketching skills by drawing the human form thinking carefully about proportion. They then learnt more about Henry Moore before experimenting with casting, carving, modelling and construction. After making shapes with their own bodies, Year 5 then created drawings and then clay sculptures in the style of Henry Moore.    

Year 6 - Can religion be expressed through art and architecture?

Year 6 began their project by looking at different architecture and improving their drawing skills by experimenting with different lines, shades of pencils and creating different effects e.g. blending, dashing, smudging and dashing. They used these skills and observational skills to sketch a mosque before using this to create a silhouette using different shades of colour to create a sunset. Year 6 then looked at stained glass windows and what they express e.g. a story, a person important to the religion or a communication of a religious message. Using what they had learnt, they created their own stained glass geometric design using tissue paper. After learning about geometric, repeating patterns, the children created their own printing block and produced a print on fabric. 


