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School Logo

Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed

Design and Technology

At Forest Town, we are designers!  We want our children to be inspired by Design and Technology and be creative and imaginative in an increasingly technological world.

We want to enable our children to talk about how things work and apply a growing body of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make prototypes and products for a wide range of users.  We want to encourage children to select appropriate tools and techniques when making a product, whilst following safe procedures.

Through Design and Technology we aim to develop our children’s understanding of technological processes and products, their manufacture and their contribution to our society.

We want to foster enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose for our children through designing and making things.  We want our children to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products, and the work of others.  We aim for all children to understand and apply the principles of nutrition and to learn how to cook.  We want our children to understand how key events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world they live in.


By the time our children leave us at the end of KS2 we would like to ensure that all children become:

  • Adventurous and creative problem-solvers with the confidence to take risks when designing and making products that solve real and relevant problems that matter to them.
  • Independent inspired innovators with a greater awareness and understanding of how everyday products are designed and made through opportunities to critically evaluate existing products, thinking about their own needs and those of others.
  • Responsible for their work and talk about how they were influenced to create their final outcomes.
  • able to persevere and develop different techniques and skills to complete a piece of work.
  • able to work together to reflect on their own and other’s work using kindness and constructive feedback.

