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School Logo

Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed

Year 4

Welcome to our page!

Year 4 is such an exciting year at Forest Town Primary School.

It is very busy with lots of learning and brilliant opportunities ahead!


In Year 4 this year, there will be the following members of staff who will help you:

Class Teachers - Mrs KA Litter (Green Lizards) and Miss S Plummer (Sand Lizards)

Support Staff - Mrs Coleman

Important information:

P.E. will be on a Monday and Wednesday.

Children will need to come to school in their P.E. kit. Remember that it consists of: a white t-shirt, black shorts/ jogging bottoms or leggings and black pumps or trainers. A black hoody can also be worn in the colder months. 


Class Dojo is there to make it easy for you to contact us if you have any queries or questions about learning or if you would like to send a quick message about your child. For all other questions or further support, the school office is there to help you and are available via the school dojo or telephone number found on the website homepage. We will also regularly update our class pages with photographs and examples of your children's learning - so keep your eyes peeled!

In June 2025, Year 4 pupils in England will sit an online test known as the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which takes a maximum of 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete.


At Forest Town Primary School, we subscribe to Times Table Rock Stars. This is an online platform which the children use to practice the instant recall of their multiplication and division facts. When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to complete harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is fun, challenging and designed to help children master the times tables. To be a Times Table Rock Star they need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 1 second!




This term, we are ARTISTS!


Artists… Learn from the art of others, use sketchbooks to develop ideas, draw, sculpt and create. Your child will be using the work of Norman Cornish, a British coal miner and artist, as inspiration for their own pieces based on Forest Town. Watch this space!

