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School Logo

Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed

Modern Foreign Languages - French

At Forest Town, we are linguists!  As a linguist, we want our children to be open to other cultures and develop a curiosity for the wider world.  French is our focus language so children will have a better understanding of the French culture through experiences in school helping them to understand what it is to be a global citizen; this includes the importance of tolerance, respect and understanding.  Our pupils will be able to communicate more effectively with others and understand and respond to speakers both in speech and writing for practical purposes. This will create enthusiasm for life-long learners in modern foreign languages.


At the end of KS2, a Forest Town child will have:


  • Shown kindness and respect to different cultures and to each other as they orally rehearse a language that is new to them. 
  • Shown an adventurous nature with the language that they are developing – be adventurous and challenge themself to add more detail.
  • Shown the ability to persevere in acquiring new skills as each year the scheme challenges the children further and they will have to preserve with the new knowledge they learn as well as making links to previous learning.
  • Taken responsibility for their learning in French and develop ways to remember/memorise new vocabulary and phrases and make links to previous learning.
  • Shown independence in using the language, perhaps without being asked to greet you in the morning or to answer the register and also independently offer more detail than perhaps you have asked.
  • Shown ‘togetherness’ as it is vital the class works as a team at listening and speaking skills so they get the best out of the session and to build a sense of ‘togetherness’ which allows us to practice tricky pronunciations out loud without fear of being judged.   Also, a feeling of togetherness as a whole school when we do the ‘Cultural Enrichment Days’ and develop our enthusiasm for MFL together.  This can involve sharing with the school community.


