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School Logo

Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is open from 7:30am to 8:40am each morning in the school canteen for F2 children right up to Year 6 and is run by some of our committed Midday Supervisors. We do not accept F1 nursery children.

It costs £3.00 per child per day. If your child is entitled to free school meals, the provision is £1.50 per child per day


The breakfast consists of a selection of cereals, toast and toppings, fruit and juice up until 8.15am followed by a range of planned, supervised activities.


You need to pre-book (bookings are taken on a half-termly basis) and pay in advance via your sQuid 'Catering' Purse to secure your breakfast club place as there are limited numbers to ensure your child’s safety. For further details and availability enquiries please email the school office -

