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School Logo

Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed


At Forest Town, we are readers! Reading is part of our core curriculum. We teach early reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. We ensure children learn their GPCs and as a result our children are able to decode unfamiliar words. We teach children to be confident and fluent readers who will have a lifelong love of books and reading. We believe reading opens up a new world for children and gives them the opportunity to explore new ideas, visit new places, meet new characters and develop a better understanding of other cultures. We understand that reading helps develop children’s vocabulary and it gives them the word power they need to become successful speakers and writers as well as confident readers. Reading is a key life skill and we strive to embed a culture of reading into the core of what we do. We provide opportunities for children to read both independently and aloud as well as allowing them the chance to discuss and recommend books they have read to their peers. Reading quality texts is essential and we expose our children to various genres and authors.


At the end of KS2, a Forest Town child will have:

  • Become adventurous and choose challenging books to read for pleasure.
  • Become independent readers by confidently reading books with fluency, expression and understanding.
  • Become responsible for their own reading journey by putting into practice skills that have been taught.
  • The ability to persevere by developing their decoding and comprehension skills.
  • The ability to work together and share books with their peers. They will be able to discuss a variety of texts through the use of book chat.
  • A sense of empathy and understanding of characters and their behaviour. They will use this kindness to have a better understanding of themselves and others.

