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School Logo

Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed


Admissions Criteria – Foundation 1 (F1 – Nursery)


We are able to offer Foundation 1 (F1) provision before the children start full-time school. Children may join F1 after their third birthday as below:

  • Children with birthdays between 1st January and 31st March may be admitted to F1 on the first day of the Summer term, in May following their 3rd birthday.
  • Children with birthdays between 1st April to 31st August may be admitted to F1 on the first day of the Autumn term, in September following their 3rd birthday.
  • Children with birthdays between 1st September to 31st December may be admitted to F1 on the first day of the Spring, term in January following their 3rd birthday.

We offer morning or afternoon sessions of 3 hours in line with the government’s commitment to providing 15 hours per week of free Early Years provision for 3 year olds.

Morning: 8:30am – 11:30am

Afternoon: 12:30pm – 3:30pm

We are also able to offer extended F1 provision, above the 15 hour entitlement, which parents can take advantage of by paying for supplementary sessions or by applying for 30 hours funding. This is subject to places being available and payment will always be expected in advance if parents are not eligible for 30 hours funding.

A place in F1 (part-time) does not guarantee a full-time statutory place.

In the event of over subscription to F1, the same admission guidelines as those used by Nottinghamshire County Council will be applied.

Parents and children will be invited to Ready for Nursery sessions before starting in F1.  Visits are always warmly welcomed.

To apply for an F1 place please call in to the School Office for an application form.

Admissions Criteria – Standard Reception Year admission criteria


Please click on Children - Class Pages - Foundation Stage to see a tour of our Foundation Unit.


Children will be admitted to full-time school (F2) at the beginning of the Autumn term in the school year in which they turn 5.

All admissions to F2 are the responsibility of Nottinghamshire County Council. Please click on the links below for the most up to date information as admissions criteria can change from year to year:


Our Published Admissions Number (PAN) is currently 60 for all year groups - F2 to Year 6 - but in the event of oversubscription, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted. This happens once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs or Education Health Care Plan, which names Forest Town Primary School.

  1. Children looked after by a local authority and previously looked after children
  2. Children who live in the catchment area at the closing date for applications and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked junior/ primary school
  3. Other children who live in the catchment area at the closing date for applications
  4. Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school
  5. Children who live outside the catchment area

In the event of oversubscription, within all but the first criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies.

Distances are measured from a point at the school campus to a point at the entrance to the child’s home using the local authority’s computerised measuring system. In the event of two distances being equal, the local authority will measure to the next decimal point. If the measurements remain equal, lots will be drawn by a person independent of the admissions team.  Where one child of a multiple birth can be admitted, the other child/children will also be admitted.

In year applications

For all other applications or details about how to apply in-year, please click below for more information or ring Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions on 0300 500 8080:


Special consideration for all year groups

For applications for all Nottinghamshire community and voluntary controlled schools the following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application for a particular school:

  • ‘Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or other social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.’
  • The appropriate designated officers will consider each case on its merits and determine the allocation of any such place on the basis of written evidence. Admission under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all but the first numbered criteria.


Please also see the schools Admissions Hub for further information:


