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School Logo

Forest Town

Primary School

Belong, Aim High, Succeed

Robin's Den

Robins Den LogoRobin’s Den out of school club here at Forest Town Primary provides reasonably priced childcare after school and during the holidays.

The opening hours during term time are Monday-Friday 3.15pm-6.00pm and the cost is £10.00 per session, which includes a nutritious snack.


Robin’s Den also operates a holiday club and is open for all holiday periods and INSET days excluding Bank Holidays and the Christmas holiday period. The cost is £17.00 per half day and £28.00 for a full day (Open 7:45am - 6:00pm). Breakfast and an afternoon snack are included and special trip days are also organised to local attractions such as iJump and Wheelgate for a small additional charge.


Based in the canteen, there are lots of exciting resources to keep your child entertained throughout each session as well as access to the school’s outdoor play area, trim trail and field. Holiday planners are shared via Class Dojo and on the 'Latest News' area of the website.


If you would like your child(ren) to register with Robin’s Den, please call 07490 959433 or email


Tree House Out of School Clubs (

